Saturday, December 22, 2007

#1 - Create a working book list

The obvious reason for this item is to simply get me to read a little bit more often. I really do enjoy reading things along a certain subject line, but i never give myself a chance really. this list will not contain any similar writing to what books i have chosen specifically for other items on the list, although those books could technically be considered. with that in mind, the term "working" will entail that there be between 15 and 20 books on the list at all times, and that at least one book is exchanged for another every 2/3 months.

the initial list will be provided with all exchanges listed separately and completion dates written. i will deem this item successfully completed if the list is still in "working" order come june of 2008.

edit: i decided to put the books i told myself to specifically read for other items on the list. i figure, this way i will feel like i am moving along on the list better if those get exchanged so that neither item gets completely ignored for a while.

the list:

  • All Quiet on the Western Front - Remarque
  • Invisible Man - Ellison
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - Kesey
  • Doctor Zhivago - Pasternak
  • Call of the Wild - London
  • Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Adams
  • On the Road - Kerouac
  • 1984 - Orwell
  • Deliverance - Dickey
  • Utopia - More
  • On the Origin of Species - Darwin
  • Be Intolerant - Dobson
  • The Book of Ratings - Sjoberg
  • Killing Yourself to Live - Klosterman
  • Guns, Germs, and Steel - Diamond

  • Watchmen - Moore
  • The Killer Angels - Shaara
  • The Fellowship of the Ring - Tolkien
  • The Two Towers - Tolkien
  • The Return of the King - Tolkien
  • The Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck
  • Siddhartha - Hesse
  • Slaughterhouse Five - Vonnegut
  • Dracula - Stoker

#28 - Eat one meal in every restaurant in Oakland

So this goal was one that was started a long long time ago when i started to eat off of campus a lot more, and realized that i really like checking out all of the different places. So one day i dug up the pitt news dining guide to help me locate all of the lovely establishments in the area and i noted them all along with which street they were on. since then, a good portion of them have been removed from the list, but as of dec. 20, 2007, i have 12 locations remaining.

all locations will be listed and a date will be placed next to the name when i eat there.

  • Fosters (Lytton)
  • House of Chang (McKee)
  • Orient Express (Forbes)
  • Thai Place Cafe (Craig)
  • Bombay Grill (Semple)
  • India Palace (Centre)
  • Natraj (Oakland)
  • Star of India (Craig)
  • Red Oak Cafe (Forbes)
  • Food for Thought (Craig)
  • Napoleans (Craig)
  • Bahn Pho? (Atwood)

Friday, December 21, 2007

#30 - Try 5 new types of sushi

A small edit from the original goal since the term "outlandish" and food tend to go hand in hand with the way i eat. i've eaten sushi a few times before, but i always stuck to the basics. tuna, salmon, shrimp. so the idea behind this item was to get myself to try some new stuff, something that i really didn't think i would enjoy.

so trip 1 was to sushi kim in the strip, and man was it fantastic. along with my sushi listed below, i had a small bowl of miso soup, a salad with a phenomenal ginger dressing, and a small jug of warm sake. one of the best meals i have had, and by far the best sushi around!

so here are the types that i have tried:

  • hokkigai(surf clam) - a bit tough comparatively, but full of flavorz
  • unagi (eel) - i really never thought i would eat that, but it was really great
  • spicy yellowtail maki - the spices were great because i would taste the fish and then the spice would kick in afterwards
  • spicy tai maki - red snapper with a good spice to it
  • hotategai (scallop) - this one was a little squishy with not a lot of flavor

finish date: 1/13/08

overall, i really enjoyed my items a whole lot. i don't think i'd do the scallops again, and the clams were hit or miss i think, but the rest i would definitely eat again. now the only thing i have to force myself into is the intimidating looking fish roe

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

#86 - Buy a car

So I officially will become the owner of my first car come this evening. Yesterday I went to the dealer and worked out all the paperwork, and would have taken the car with me had I not been forced to wait until this morning for my insurance policy to begin.

In any case, at around 5pm tonight I will arrive once again at the car dealership and drive away in my new vehicle. The car itself is a red 2008 Toyota Yaris. 2 door hatchback model, so it's a little thing, but it has excellent fuel efficiency which is much needed in the current times.

Pictures will be posted once i am able to upload them from the camera

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Progress Report!

Since I havent really been updating my progress on the main post because its too much of a hassle to format, I will update this way every couple months and see where I sit so far.

Completed Items: 9

In Progress: 7

Given that its been almost 7 months, if i were to be at the ideal pace, I would have around 20 items completed at this point. So with that being said, I am definitely a little behind schedule. However, if I really put my mind to it, there are 8 or 9 items on the list that i believe i could complete on top of some of the ones already in progress by the end of the year. If i could do that, that would just about pull me into the right spot to where i should be and allow for more time come the better weather and all of those outdoor items!

12/14 note: as of today, #54 is 89/150 completed, #55 is 45/100, and #56 is 286/400

#14 - Do crunches every other day for a month

I started with them yesterday, Tuesday the 27th of November. I completed 3 sets of 20 after a long run. Hopefully by the end of this month I will be able to just barely be able to complete 60 and reach 100 without so much problem. Each week I will add another set of 20.

edit 1: so i sucked and only got through a week before i missed a few days, and then tried again and still couldnt keep a schedule. i hope to start this weekend and maybe the down time over the holiday break will allow me to actually get into a routine for at least a little while.

edit 2: so as on 1/21/08, this item is officially completed. although a little unorthodox at times, i managed through it. for the first 2 weeks of the month i completed 3 sets of 20, and the second two weeks i completed 4 sets. i didnt jump up to 100 total like i had initially planned, but i think the general motivation to do them on a regular basis, and more often that my currently very infrequent running schedule.

#64 - Attend a KKY National convention

Some how I left this fantastic trip slip by during my last update, so I am only writing about it now. A group of 10 of us trekking down from Pittsburgh to Orlando, FL made the journey in a couple of rented mini vans and it was a great time all around.

I did a good portion of the driving, so once we arrived I was already somewhat tired. Once arrived, I got notified that I was charged with sitting in place of the absent Cal U chapter, so I took my place as there delegate and went with the flow. I also was involved in our big top chapter presentation, which went well although we didn't come out on top in the end.

I got to meet all sorts of people however, and have a great time the entire time i was there that I will certainly want to try and go back 2 years from now when it moves to the west in Phoenix, AZ.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

#85 - Obtain a full time job that I enjoy

So I officially started my job on August 13, 2007. While its had its ups and downs like anything does, I think i can safely say that it is an enjoyable position that i am in right now.

Part of the satisfaction comes from the whole no income to substantial pay with what amounts to less rent/utility payments than the previous year. So that makes just about any job sound halfway decent.

While at times i get frustrated with how things are run in the office, or some of the goofy things that i can be required to do here, it really is a nice setting. The majority of the assignments that i do have, i realize that i enjoy to an extent. I can say that this was definitely the right choice as far as which field to specialize in within the whole expanse of civil/environmental engineering .

So it looks like i made the right choice, and I can consider myself satisfactorily employed for the current time and place.

#70 - Invest in a good set of headphones

So over the summer I realized that i didn't have anything worthy of delivering the sweet sounds of music to my ears personally. I despise the use of those pathetic earbuds, and anything else that i had besides them really didn't do the trick.

After perusing the web for reviews, and getting some tips from various audiophiles, i went with the Grado SR-60 model. The reviews mostly touted them as "the best low priced headphones" and said they were a great deal for the $70 price. Now, while most people may think that is a hefty sum for some head gear, realize that top of the line stuff can cost into the thousands of dollars. I knew i couldn't get anything truly worth it unless i spent at least $40 or 50.

So far after using them for a few months now, they really have been great. They bring out a solid sound through the entire spectrum (unlike those buds which miss out on the highs and lows) of sound and they certainly don't pain my ears like those little guys do either.

Worth the money!

#98 - Complete the daily news crossword without help

(first update in quite some time now)

So over the early parts of the summer (may-july) while working temporarily for the UPMC Surgical Oncology department as a file clerk/mailman/etc. I tended to work on the daily crossword with my coworkers during lunch. Usually I never finished, and some of us would work together to get all of the clues filled in, but one day i got lucky and did it all for myself.

as evidence, i photographed the sheet so nobody can deny my temporary greatness:

Saturday, July 21, 2007

#60 - Weekend trip to DC

So as mentioned before in the train post, I went to DC for the weekend. I went since I knew it would be hard to do it another time, and I wanted to visit my big in the process. She ended up having lots to do, so I mostly just abused her for transport to the metro and a place to sleep, but it was still nice.

I mostly spent my time wandering the streets, but i did stop in one of the Smithsonian art galleries, the national archives, and spotted a number of your typical iconic structures in town. I also determined that a place like foggy bottom, if any, is where i require any post graduate education that i might partake in.

I have some photos of the trip right here

#65 - Go somewhere via railway

So while I still had the opportunity, I decided to take a weekend and trip it down to the nations capitol. I got to the train station at around 5:15am on a Friday morning, as the train was supposed to leave at 5:45. Well, to my surprise the train didn't actually show up until around 7, and we only departed at around 7:30. So already behind right out of the gate. The second problem occurred when we failed to make the stop at Martinsburg, WV. The trained wheeled past the stop, and after sitting about a half mile past it for a good 20 minutes, we finally backed into the station. To add to this, we had numerous times where we slowed to a crawl or stopped all together. When things finally settled, the train that was supposed to arrive at 1:30pm, finally let out around 6:15pm.

The rest of the trip was really fun though, and the return ride was only about 30 minutes late and my seat partner was nice so it made things go faster. I probably won't jump at the chance to take a train again, but at least it was more comfortable than a bus.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

#37 - Buy a nice camera

I guess i should consider this complete as well. my initial thought was for a real deal manual camera, which would go along with #38, but this is sufficient.

I spent my last few dollars until my paycheck(basically what was planned to be my rent money if i don't get paid ontime) to get this camera, but i deemed it worth it to take with me to bonnaroo. most of my pictures didnt come out all that great, but it was nice to be able to do it anyway.

the camera itself is a canon powershot sd1000 digital elph. and the only feature people recognize is that it has 7.1 megapixels, so most shots are pretty clear. i'll blame my grainy concert shots on the massive amounts of dust and proximity from the stage.

#16 - Buy a pair of nice running shoes

I almost forgot about this item. I got the shoes about 2 weeks ago and have only been able to use them twice so far. I think I would really benefit if i wore them in a little though, since my last run stared to rub my toes a bit more than i'd like and was close to getting some of those nasty blisters between the toes.

in any case, they are some slick asics get-1120's. i really like their shoes, they always fit nicely and i know i can run these suckers into the ground like the last pair. if i keep running at the pace that i have been at, and would like to stay at, i'll probably need a new pair or two before the end of my 1001 days!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

#57 - Attend a 2 day or more music festival

So bonnaroo it was! I spent June 14th thru the 17 down in Manchester, TN having the most wonderful time and listening to some excellent music! we arrived around 830pm on thursday, and after setting up our tent and such, we started our experience. Thursday night we caught a few acts from about 10ish until about 230am. Friday and Saturday ran from around noon until 230-3am music wise, and sunday started at 1pm and ran us until we were ragged at 1130 or so at night.

Pictures that i took can be found here

edit: i never really felt like updating about this in my journal (surprise!) and now it would we weird to try and track back

The groups that we saw while we were there were:

  1. mute math
  2. lou donaldson and dr lonnie smith
  3. the whigs
  1. james blood ulmer
  2. uncle earl
  3. hot chip
  4. the roots
  5. tool
  6. superjam (john paul jones, ben haper, and ?uestlove)
  7. sts9
  1. regina spektor
  2. the hold steady
  3. keller williams
  4. the police
  5. the flaming lips
  1. john butler trio
  2. wolfmother
  3. the decemberists
  4. north mississippi allstars
  5. the white stripes
  6. widespread panic

this item gets the distinct honor of being the first fully completed item on my list!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

#55 - Collect over 100 records

Well, same thing goes for this one as the other items dealing with collecting musical recordings. I started this venture with 40 records. I thought that 100 was a good goal since my record acquisition is a lot slower than it is for CD's. So here goes nothing!

41 - Procol Harum Live - Procol Harum - 1972
42 - Obscured By Clouds - Pink Floyd - 1972
43 - Restrospective: Best Of - Buffalo Springfield - 1969
44 - Greatest Hits - Simon and Garfunkel - 1972
45 - Volume One - The Honeydrippers - 1984
46 - They Only Come Out At Night - Edgar Winter Group - 1972
47 - Machine Head - Deep Purple - 1971
48 - Blood Sweat and Tears - Blood Sweat and Tears - 1968
49 - Flirtin' With Disaster - Molly Hatchet - 1979
50 - Perfect Strangers - Deep Purple - 1984
51 - Remedy - Basement Jaxx - 1999
52 - Really - JJ Cale - 1972
53 - Get the Knack - The Knack - 1979
54 - Breakfast in America - Supertramp - 1979
55 - Alice's Restaurant Massacree - Peter Ritchie
56 - Freeze Frame - J. Geils Band - 1981
57 - The Beat Goes On - Vanilla Fudge - 1968
58 - The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway - Genesis - 1974
59 - Look Sharp! - Joe Jackson - 1979
60 - The "Killer" Rocks On - Jerry Lee Lewis - 1972
61 - Discovery - ELO - 1979
62 - Back in the High Life - Steve Winwood - 1986

#56 - Collect over 400 CD's

So this one might seem ambitious, but I pretty much spend all of my extra money on music, so for me I think it is more of a way to direct myself, and get the stuff I want to own now.

Before I started this whole thing, my count was at 273, and so I will put new purchases in this post. (not really realizing how long this post will be in the end)

284 - Chocolate and Cheese - Ween - 1994
285 - Vintage Reserve - Galactic - 2007
286 - Zaireeka - Flaming Lips - 1997
287 - Begin to Hope - Regina Spektor - 2006
288 - Pork Soda - Primus - 1993
289 - Songs for the Deaf - Queens of the Stone Age - 2002
290 - Two Great Experiences - Lonnie Youngblood (w/ Hendrix) - 1971
291 - Feels Like Home - Norah Jones - 2004
292 - Rodrigo y Gabriela - s/t - 2006
293 - Best of the Doobies - Doobie Brothers - 1972
294 - Sha Sha - Ben Kweller - 2002
295 - We are the Pipettes - The Pipettes - 2007
296 - Eliminator - ZZ Top - 1983
297 - Speaking in Tongues - Talking Heads - 1983
298 - Continuing Story of Radar Love - Golden Earring - 1989
299 - Raising Sand - Robert Pland and Alison Krauss - 2007
300 - Pictures at an Exhibition - Emersonm Lake & Palmer - 1972
301 - Blonde on Blonde - Bob Dylan - 1966
302 - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John - 1973
303 - Mtv Unplugged - 10,000 Maniacs - 1993
304 - Remember Me - Redding, Otis - 1992
305 - Play - Moby - 1999
306 - Charango - Morcheeba - 2002
307 - Pieces in a Modern Style - Orbit, William - 2000
308 - Social Dancing - Bis - 1999
309 - Pickin' on the SCI - String Cheese Incident - 2002
310 - 12 - Keller Williams - 2007
311 - The Tipping Point - The Roots - 2004
312 - Kala - MIA - 2007
313 - Stone Free: A Tribute - Jimi Hendrix - 1993
314 - Crazyhorse Mongoose - Galactic - 1998
315 - Alive & Amplified - Mooney Suzuki - 2004
316 - Pieces of the People We Love - Rapture - 2006
317 - Legendary Hits - Allman Brothers - 199
318 - Blackout! - Methodman/Redman - 1999
319 - You Could Have Had It So Much Better - Franz Ferdinand - 2005
320 - Three - John Butler Trio - 2001
321 - Colorblind - Robert Randolph - 2006
322 - Wolfmother - s/t - 2006
323 - Unchained Melody - Righteous Brothers - 1990
324 - Slowhand - Eric Clapton - 1977
325 - Ah Via Musicom - Eric Johnson - 1990
326 - Oracular Spectacular - MGMT - 2008
327 - Evil Urges - My Morning Jacket - 2008
328 - Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell - Flaming Lips - 2003
329 - At War With the Mystics - Flaming Lips - 2006
330 - History - America - 1975
331 - Whatever and Ever Amen - Ben Folds Five - 1997
332 - Don't Mess With the Dragon - Ozomatli - 2007
333 - Daisies of the Galaxy - Eels - 1999
334 - Yonder Mountain String Band - s/t - 2006
335 - Led Zeppelin IV - Led Zeppelin - 1971
336 - Chicago Transit Authority - Chicago - 1969
337 - Remind Me In 3 Days - The Knux - 2008
338 - The Best of - The Band - 1976
339 - Flood - They Might Be Giants - 1990
340 - Return to Cookie Mountain - TV on the Radio - 2006
341 - Dear Science - TV on the Radio - 2008
342 - Partie Traumatic - Black Kids - 2008
343 - Breakfast in America - Supertramp - 1979
344 - California Dreamin' - Mama's and the Papa's - 1994
345 - The Reality of My Surroundings - Fishbone - 1991

Thursday, May 24, 2007

#48 - Watch 10 classic foreign films

So for this one, I really don'y have a set list of what I am going to watch. I probably have 10 foreign films that would be worthy on my list, so I guess i just need to make a better effort to actually watch them. the hard part is getting in the mood for a 1930's samurai movie. they are good and all, but i rarely seem to actually want to watch one.

1. La femme Nakita - France - 1990
2. Katyn - Poland - 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

#47 - Watch all of AFI's top 100 films

I figured I would post up the list now since I have actually watched a few of the movies already, and I will just cross off ones as i go along. This is one that will take some time to pull all the movies together, so i wanted to get started on it early.

Here is the list:

5. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
8. On the Waterfront (1954)
9. Schindler's List (1993)
11. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
12. Sunset Boulevard (1950)
14. Some Like It Hot (1959)
16. All About Eve (1950)
17. The African Queen (1951)
18. Psycho (1960)
19. Chinatown (1974)
21. The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
22. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
23. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
24. Raging Bull (1980) - 1/19/08
26. Dr. Strangelove (1964)
27. Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
29. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
30. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
31. Annie Hall (1977)
33. High Noon (1952)
35. It Happened One Night (1934)
36. Midnight Cowboy (1969)
37. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
38. Double Indemnity (1944) - 4/4/08
40. North by Northwest (1959)
42. Rear Window (1954)
44. The Birth of a Nation (1915)
45. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
47. Taxi Driver (1976) - 5/3/08
50. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
51. The Philadelphia Story (1940)
52. From Here to Eternity (1953)
53. Amadeus (1984)
54. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) - 1/11/08
56. MASH (1970)
57. The Third Man (1949)
59. Rebel Without a Cause (1955) - 1/25/09
61. Vertigo (1958)
62. Tootsie (1982)
63. Stagecoach (1939)
64. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
66. Network (1976)
67. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
68. An American in Paris (1951)
69. Shane (1953)
70. The French Connection (1971)
72. Ben-Hur (1959)
73. Wuthering Heights (1939)
74. The Gold Rush (1925)
76. City Lights (1931)
79. The Deer Hunter (1978)
80. The Wild Bunch (1969)
81. Modern Times (1936)
82. Giant (1956)
83. Platoon (1986)
85. Duck Soup (1933)
86. Mutiny on the Bounty (1935)
87. Frankenstein (1931)
88. Easy Rider (1969)
89. Patton (1970)
90. The Jazz Singer (1927)
91. My Fair Lady (1964)
92. A Place in the Sun (1951)
93. The Apartment (1960) - 10/21/08
96. The Searchers (1956)
97. Bringing Up Baby (1938)
98. Unforgiven (1992)
99. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

#3 - Read 5 classics that I haven't read before

So I figured before i could read the books, i needed to pick 5 to do. So I looked around the net and talked with some folks for suggestions, and made a list of about 25 books, and narrowed it down to the 5 i'd like to work on first. i think the rest will go onto the working list for number 1 at some point.

So here is the list, and i shall cross them off as they are completed. If anyone has these books, and wouldn't mind letting me borrow it for a time period that's probably far too long, that would be fantastic!

1. The Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck
2. Siddhartha - Hesse
3. Gulliver's Travels - Swift - 3/10/08
4. Slaughterhouse Five - Vonnegut
5. Dracula - Stoker

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

#54 - Collect 150 live concert recordings

I figured i would start a post for this one, since i have some already, and the goal is to basically double the size of the collection. You can see a full, up to date list of all of what i have on my online catalogue. (cd's and vinyl are also listed there as well). I will update this post with the ones that will get me to the goal

What counts for these is basically any audio or video that was recorded live by any band. Officially released live albums count toward the CD count, these are just ones that i downloaded (legally, i might add) to add to what i have already.

71 - The Clash - 6/3/80 - Turin, Italy
72 - Van Morrison - 11/4/86 - Belfast, Ireland
73 - U2 - 5/11/80 - Tullamore, Ireland
74 - ZZ Top - 5/31/91 - Hamburg, Germany
75 - Tool - 9/23/06 - Toronto, Canada
76 - Rush - 3/20/86 - Indianapolis, IN
77 - Rush - 928/77 - Fresno, CA
78 - Pink Floyd - 4/22/77 - Miami, FL
79 - Robert Plant -6/29/05 - Nashville, TN
80 - Flaming Lips - 3/31/06 - New York, NY
81 - Velvet Underground - 6/5/93 - London, England
82 - Velvet Underground - 1966 - Original Demos
83 - Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory Demos
84 - Beck - Demos
85 - Superjam - 6/17/07 - Manchester, TN
86 - Girl Talk - 1/27/07 - Seattle, WA
87 - Flaming Lips - 4/20/84 - Dallas, TX
88 - The Who - 12/8/79 - Chicago, IL
89 - Galactic - 6/16/07 - Manchester, TN
90 - Bob Dylan - 4/13/66 - Sydney, Australia
91 - Medeski, Martin and Wood - 3/5/97 - New Orleans, LA
92 - Amy Winehouse - 10/15/07 - Berlin, Germany
93 - Jeff Beck/Pink Floyd - 7/26-27/1068 - Los Angeles, CA
94 - Led Zeppelin - 12/10/07 - London, ENG
95 - AC/DC - 1/15/85 - Rio De Janeiro, BRA
96 - Bob Dylan - 7/24/94 - Gotha
97 - Deep Purple - 6/25/03 - Glasgow, SCO
98 - Bob Dylan/Tom Petty - 5/8/86 - Mountain View, CA

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The list!

So here is my list. If you have and suggestions for completing something on this list, or want to complete one of these things with me, feel free to let me know!

Start: May 2, 2007
Finish: January 28, 2010

(Completed tasks are crossed out)

Reading & Writing
1 Create a working book list
2 Acquire no library fines for 6 months
3 Read 5 classics that I haven't read before
4 Read 3 books in a month
5 Read "The Killer Angels"
6 Read all 3 "The Lord of the Rings"
7 Read "Watchmen"
8 Read a book about botany
9 Read the new 'Rolling Stone' cover to cover within the week
10 Finish reading the rest of the 'Rolling Stone' magazines
11 Write the story about "them" in the notebook
12 Write at least 3 other stories in the notebook
13 Write 10 personal letters to friends in far places
Health & Fitness
14 Do crunches every other day for a month
15 Do pushups every other day for a month
16 Buy a pair of nice running shoes
17 Run a 5k under 25 minutes
18 Run 30 miles in one week
19 Run 50 miles in one week
20 Run a marathon
21 Bike 50 miles in one day
22 Enter in a bike racing event
23 Be able to do a handstand
24 Earn my black belt in Tae Kwon Do
25 Earn a colored belt rank in another martial art
26 Take a capoeria class
27 Learn some tai-chi
Food & Drink
28 Eat at one meal in every restaurant in oakland
29 Try at least 5 new kinds of pie
30 Try an outlandish type of sushi
31 Brew my own beer
32 Make my own mulled wine
33 Dry hot peppers to grind up for cooking
34 Grow my own herbs
35 Grow my own vegetables
36 Make my own hot sauce
Arts & Music
37 Buy a nice camera
38 Take a class in black and white photography
39 Participate in a '26 things'
40 Visit the Andy Warhol museum
41 Visit the Mattress Factory
42 Learn to play piano
43 Learn to play bass guitar
44 Join a community band
45 Participate in Trombones on Ice
46 Watch the 'Wizard of Oz' with the 'Dark Side of the Moon'
47 Watch all of AFI's top 100 films
48 Watch 10 classic foreign films
49 Watch the entire 'Planet Earth' series
50 Get a record player
51 Piece together a complete stereo system
52 Make someone else a mix CD
53 Make myself a mix CD
54 Collect over 150 live concert recordings
55 Collect over 100 records
56 Collect over 400 CD's
Sports & Travel
57 Attend a 2 day or more music festival
58 Attend an NBA game
59 Weekend trip to Chicago
60 Weekend trip to DC
61 Spend a day at the waters in Ohiopyle
62 Attend a film festival
63 Go to a hockey game in Canada
64 Attend a KKY National convention
65 Go somewhere via railway
66 Visit a national park
67 Go on a spur of the moment trip (4+ hours drive)
68 Go on a local bridge tour/hunt
69 Attend a harvest festival
70 Invest in a good set of headphones
71 Organize and display hot sauce bottle collection
72 Finish an entire coloring book
73 Build a jigsaw puzzle
74 Glue and frame a completed puzzle
75 Fix up both of my old desk chairs
76 Build a piece of furniture out of wood
77 Make a usable fish tank
78 Learn to shoot a bow and arrow
79 Learn to weld
80 Learn to play 'Magic' card game
81 Learn to fence
82 Go rock climbing
83 Go skydiving
84 Go whitewater rafting
Personal & Other
85 Obtain a full time job that I enjoy
86 Purchase a car
87 Learn to drive a stick shift
88 Have $1000 saved away for emergencies only
89 Attend services to 5 different religious denominations
90 Get a professional massage
91 Get a pedicure
92 Take mom out for lunch
93 Take a random friend out for lunch
94 Purchase a well fitted fedora
95 Buy someone flowers just because
96 Keep clean shaven for a week
97 Donate some clothes to goodwill
98 Complete daily news crossword without help
99 Figure out the old KKY family trees
100 Be majorly involved in bands 100th anniversary publication
101 Convince someone else to make one of these lists

101 things in 1001 days

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

I am currently compiling my list, and hope to have it finished soon so i can get started on it. I think this is a great way to keep me motivated and doing the things that i've always wanted to do anyway. So here's hoping that i stick with it and actually get most, if not all of the things on my list completed