Wednesday, November 28, 2007

#64 - Attend a KKY National convention

Some how I left this fantastic trip slip by during my last update, so I am only writing about it now. A group of 10 of us trekking down from Pittsburgh to Orlando, FL made the journey in a couple of rented mini vans and it was a great time all around.

I did a good portion of the driving, so once we arrived I was already somewhat tired. Once arrived, I got notified that I was charged with sitting in place of the absent Cal U chapter, so I took my place as there delegate and went with the flow. I also was involved in our big top chapter presentation, which went well although we didn't come out on top in the end.

I got to meet all sorts of people however, and have a great time the entire time i was there that I will certainly want to try and go back 2 years from now when it moves to the west in Phoenix, AZ.

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