Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Progress Report!

Since I havent really been updating my progress on the main post because its too much of a hassle to format, I will update this way every couple months and see where I sit so far.

Completed Items: 9

In Progress: 7

Given that its been almost 7 months, if i were to be at the ideal pace, I would have around 20 items completed at this point. So with that being said, I am definitely a little behind schedule. However, if I really put my mind to it, there are 8 or 9 items on the list that i believe i could complete on top of some of the ones already in progress by the end of the year. If i could do that, that would just about pull me into the right spot to where i should be and allow for more time come the better weather and all of those outdoor items!

12/14 note: as of today, #54 is 89/150 completed, #55 is 45/100, and #56 is 286/400

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