Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The list!

So here is my list. If you have and suggestions for completing something on this list, or want to complete one of these things with me, feel free to let me know!

Start: May 2, 2007
Finish: January 28, 2010

(Completed tasks are crossed out)

Reading & Writing
1 Create a working book list
2 Acquire no library fines for 6 months
3 Read 5 classics that I haven't read before
4 Read 3 books in a month
5 Read "The Killer Angels"
6 Read all 3 "The Lord of the Rings"
7 Read "Watchmen"
8 Read a book about botany
9 Read the new 'Rolling Stone' cover to cover within the week
10 Finish reading the rest of the 'Rolling Stone' magazines
11 Write the story about "them" in the notebook
12 Write at least 3 other stories in the notebook
13 Write 10 personal letters to friends in far places
Health & Fitness
14 Do crunches every other day for a month
15 Do pushups every other day for a month
16 Buy a pair of nice running shoes
17 Run a 5k under 25 minutes
18 Run 30 miles in one week
19 Run 50 miles in one week
20 Run a marathon
21 Bike 50 miles in one day
22 Enter in a bike racing event
23 Be able to do a handstand
24 Earn my black belt in Tae Kwon Do
25 Earn a colored belt rank in another martial art
26 Take a capoeria class
27 Learn some tai-chi
Food & Drink
28 Eat at one meal in every restaurant in oakland
29 Try at least 5 new kinds of pie
30 Try an outlandish type of sushi
31 Brew my own beer
32 Make my own mulled wine
33 Dry hot peppers to grind up for cooking
34 Grow my own herbs
35 Grow my own vegetables
36 Make my own hot sauce
Arts & Music
37 Buy a nice camera
38 Take a class in black and white photography
39 Participate in a '26 things'
40 Visit the Andy Warhol museum
41 Visit the Mattress Factory
42 Learn to play piano
43 Learn to play bass guitar
44 Join a community band
45 Participate in Trombones on Ice
46 Watch the 'Wizard of Oz' with the 'Dark Side of the Moon'
47 Watch all of AFI's top 100 films
48 Watch 10 classic foreign films
49 Watch the entire 'Planet Earth' series
50 Get a record player
51 Piece together a complete stereo system
52 Make someone else a mix CD
53 Make myself a mix CD
54 Collect over 150 live concert recordings
55 Collect over 100 records
56 Collect over 400 CD's
Sports & Travel
57 Attend a 2 day or more music festival
58 Attend an NBA game
59 Weekend trip to Chicago
60 Weekend trip to DC
61 Spend a day at the waters in Ohiopyle
62 Attend a film festival
63 Go to a hockey game in Canada
64 Attend a KKY National convention
65 Go somewhere via railway
66 Visit a national park
67 Go on a spur of the moment trip (4+ hours drive)
68 Go on a local bridge tour/hunt
69 Attend a harvest festival
70 Invest in a good set of headphones
71 Organize and display hot sauce bottle collection
72 Finish an entire coloring book
73 Build a jigsaw puzzle
74 Glue and frame a completed puzzle
75 Fix up both of my old desk chairs
76 Build a piece of furniture out of wood
77 Make a usable fish tank
78 Learn to shoot a bow and arrow
79 Learn to weld
80 Learn to play 'Magic' card game
81 Learn to fence
82 Go rock climbing
83 Go skydiving
84 Go whitewater rafting
Personal & Other
85 Obtain a full time job that I enjoy
86 Purchase a car
87 Learn to drive a stick shift
88 Have $1000 saved away for emergencies only
89 Attend services to 5 different religious denominations
90 Get a professional massage
91 Get a pedicure
92 Take mom out for lunch
93 Take a random friend out for lunch
94 Purchase a well fitted fedora
95 Buy someone flowers just because
96 Keep clean shaven for a week
97 Donate some clothes to goodwill
98 Complete daily news crossword without help
99 Figure out the old KKY family trees
100 Be majorly involved in bands 100th anniversary publication
101 Convince someone else to make one of these lists