Saturday, December 22, 2007

#1 - Create a working book list

The obvious reason for this item is to simply get me to read a little bit more often. I really do enjoy reading things along a certain subject line, but i never give myself a chance really. this list will not contain any similar writing to what books i have chosen specifically for other items on the list, although those books could technically be considered. with that in mind, the term "working" will entail that there be between 15 and 20 books on the list at all times, and that at least one book is exchanged for another every 2/3 months.

the initial list will be provided with all exchanges listed separately and completion dates written. i will deem this item successfully completed if the list is still in "working" order come june of 2008.

edit: i decided to put the books i told myself to specifically read for other items on the list. i figure, this way i will feel like i am moving along on the list better if those get exchanged so that neither item gets completely ignored for a while.

the list:

  • All Quiet on the Western Front - Remarque
  • Invisible Man - Ellison
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - Kesey
  • Doctor Zhivago - Pasternak
  • Call of the Wild - London
  • Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Adams
  • On the Road - Kerouac
  • 1984 - Orwell
  • Deliverance - Dickey
  • Utopia - More
  • On the Origin of Species - Darwin
  • Be Intolerant - Dobson
  • The Book of Ratings - Sjoberg
  • Killing Yourself to Live - Klosterman
  • Guns, Germs, and Steel - Diamond

  • Watchmen - Moore
  • The Killer Angels - Shaara
  • The Fellowship of the Ring - Tolkien
  • The Two Towers - Tolkien
  • The Return of the King - Tolkien
  • The Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck
  • Siddhartha - Hesse
  • Slaughterhouse Five - Vonnegut
  • Dracula - Stoker

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