Friday, December 21, 2007

#30 - Try 5 new types of sushi

A small edit from the original goal since the term "outlandish" and food tend to go hand in hand with the way i eat. i've eaten sushi a few times before, but i always stuck to the basics. tuna, salmon, shrimp. so the idea behind this item was to get myself to try some new stuff, something that i really didn't think i would enjoy.

so trip 1 was to sushi kim in the strip, and man was it fantastic. along with my sushi listed below, i had a small bowl of miso soup, a salad with a phenomenal ginger dressing, and a small jug of warm sake. one of the best meals i have had, and by far the best sushi around!

so here are the types that i have tried:

  • hokkigai(surf clam) - a bit tough comparatively, but full of flavorz
  • unagi (eel) - i really never thought i would eat that, but it was really great
  • spicy yellowtail maki - the spices were great because i would taste the fish and then the spice would kick in afterwards
  • spicy tai maki - red snapper with a good spice to it
  • hotategai (scallop) - this one was a little squishy with not a lot of flavor

finish date: 1/13/08

overall, i really enjoyed my items a whole lot. i don't think i'd do the scallops again, and the clams were hit or miss i think, but the rest i would definitely eat again. now the only thing i have to force myself into is the intimidating looking fish roe

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