Friday, January 25, 2008

#88 - Have $1000 saved away for emergencies only

So this one will be done in installments. Whenever i figure myself to have enough extra cash, i will take a check and deposit some funds into my account at the credit union. Each transaction will be listed below with the date and amount.

2 months later to the day goes my second deposit. Hopefully the next one will be a little sooner than that since basiclaly all of this is being put in for the house fund coming this fall

1/24/08 - $200
3/24/08 - $200
6/10/08 - $300
8/14/08 - $500

TOTAL - $1200

So this item is finally complete as of August 14th. This is a great feeling, but the downside is that all of that money will more or less be completely used up for the house downpayment. So here's hoping that this account had a thousand in it come the time this whole list thing is completed.

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