Monday, September 21, 2009

#31 - Brew my own beer

The post is a bit late, as a prep for my second batch, but here are the details....

Style: American Amber Ale
Date: 3-22-09

Malt: 3.3# plain amber extract, 2# plain amber dry extract, 8oz. crushed crystal malt
Hops: 2oz. Willamette

OG: 1.034
FG: 1.010
ABV: 3.2%

Fermented 7 days in the primary, 11 days in the secondary. Conditioned in the keg for 8 days @ 10psi. Initial taste test occurred on 4/16/09.

The overall response to the brew was solid. Had a good flavor without a lot of bite to it. The alcohol percentage was a bit lower than expected, but that was the only thing that came out different.

The keg finally kicked on 7/11/09, just under 3 months after it was first tasted.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

#71 - Organize and display hot sauce bottle collection

Well now that I finally have a place to show off all these bottles, i got them all logged and on display in my office area. At the time of this posting, i have 27 total empties, with more on the way at all times. they are as follows:

Monday, February 16, 2009

#90 - Get a professional massage

So I'm a little behind on posting this item, but I got it done, regardless...

I took the liberty when taking the day off from work to fit in a nice arm/shoulder/back massage. I got the first timer discount at a local version of a "massage envy". The service was good, and I came out of there feeling a lot better than when I started, the downside was the chain feel it had and the fact that a return visit would either be close to twice as much or require me to be a regular monthly customer sort of put me off.

If I look into getting another one, it will probably be me trying to arrange something with the guy I got my initial ones done to work on my shoulder. Either way, it was nice to have something like that done to just pamper myself a bit.