Thursday, April 3, 2008

#10 - Finish reading the rest of the Rolling Stone magazines

As stated in the previous post, i started to read quite a bit in broken pieces while at work, so naturally magazines were the best choice. A book would be a little more difficult since the lengths of time that i have to read often arent long enough to finish pages and such and i need to have the ability to just up and go when called upon to grab a sample.

So when i realized that i was going to be able to motor through magazines pretty quickly, i started packing up back issues in my bag along with my food. So after about 2/3 weeks of this, i have completed 4 issues back(including 1 double issue) and have alomst completed another double issue as well as kept up with other reading materials (like my new subscription to beer magazine).

While i technically have about two years worth of issues piled up in my room now, i will at some point choose a completion point. Most of the older issues have most of the shorter articles read, and only have the longer stories in the back to catch up on. many of the time dated articles and ones that i doubt i will get into will just be skipped over. hopefully this task will be completed before i make my next move so that i can trip down on the bulk and there is less to carry around.

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