Tuesday, March 11, 2008

#15 - Do push ups every other day for a month

So for this one, i realized that with the downtime i have at work right now, i should try to use it for something besides sitting and half sleeping in that uncomfortable chair. so i started to do pushups and situps, even though the space i am in is pretty dirty.

Today marks the start of this item, and I will make sure that i do at least 1 set of 20 push-ups every other day until the 11th of April. Right now i only require myself 1 set, but i'd like to be able to easily complete 2, or maybe even try and do 3 before i finish. my arms are weak and so that will be real hard for me to build up to.

Success! I did this item a lot easier than i thought i would. i never could really force myself to do pushups before, but i think the down time at work, especially over nights, was what got me to do it. many days i did them even if i didnt need to. since there would be days/nights of work with little to do, doing pushups and stretching out was one way to make sure i didnt get too crazy cooped up in that trailer. as with the situps, i hope that i can keep this one going for as long as i can manage, even if its more irregular.