Saturday, July 21, 2007

#60 - Weekend trip to DC

So as mentioned before in the train post, I went to DC for the weekend. I went since I knew it would be hard to do it another time, and I wanted to visit my big in the process. She ended up having lots to do, so I mostly just abused her for transport to the metro and a place to sleep, but it was still nice.

I mostly spent my time wandering the streets, but i did stop in one of the Smithsonian art galleries, the national archives, and spotted a number of your typical iconic structures in town. I also determined that a place like foggy bottom, if any, is where i require any post graduate education that i might partake in.

I have some photos of the trip right here

#65 - Go somewhere via railway

So while I still had the opportunity, I decided to take a weekend and trip it down to the nations capitol. I got to the train station at around 5:15am on a Friday morning, as the train was supposed to leave at 5:45. Well, to my surprise the train didn't actually show up until around 7, and we only departed at around 7:30. So already behind right out of the gate. The second problem occurred when we failed to make the stop at Martinsburg, WV. The trained wheeled past the stop, and after sitting about a half mile past it for a good 20 minutes, we finally backed into the station. To add to this, we had numerous times where we slowed to a crawl or stopped all together. When things finally settled, the train that was supposed to arrive at 1:30pm, finally let out around 6:15pm.

The rest of the trip was really fun though, and the return ride was only about 30 minutes late and my seat partner was nice so it made things go faster. I probably won't jump at the chance to take a train again, but at least it was more comfortable than a bus.